Black and colored plastics place the highest demands on the separation of plastics recycling.
With the widespread NIR sensor technology, the near-infrared spectrum reflected by the plastic is evaluated. Each type of plastic has a characteristic spectrum and can be identified, sorted and finally recycled.
Up to now there has been a big problem with black and dark-colored plastics: the soot used for blackening in plastics absorbs a large part of the radiation both in the visible and in the infrared wavelength range. So far, it has not been possible to obtain a sufficient signal from black and dark-colored plastics and consequently these cannot be differentiated and sorted according to types of plastic.
In an effort to support the simplicity of NIR sorting, we have our NIR detectable products certified by Cotrep.
Cotrep (Comité Technique pour le Recyclage des Emballages Plastiques - Technical Committee for the Recycling of Plastic Packaging) is an association of Citeo, Elipso, Valorplast and SRT. A French institute that has developed a system for testing and documenting NIR detectability.
The test consists of comparing the NIR detectability of identical objects - with and without dark coloring. It is carried out by both market leaders in the production of NIR detection machines in Germany and France.